September 10, 2012

I'm BACK! I've been super lazy!

Alright, this is like 6 months since I've said anything!
I have graduated and I am a semi-free man from school. I am working a job that I am okay with. Not the best deal, but pays my bills!

This summer have been filled with stuff... First I went to San Francisco! It is one of the most AMAZING places I have been so far... It is beautiful and very open minded... Why I say open minded? Because when you are in city center, on the main street there are LGBT flags on every poll. It made me giggle.

San Francisco  the biggest China town outside the actual China, pretty impressive. If you ever go to SF and wanna buy souveneers, go buy them in China town. The prices for all the junk is like 50%-75% lower than downtown or by the piers.

What else...? This has been the hottest summer I have experienced my entire life... Average temperature was like +37°... +42°C (98°... 105°F). Too little too much for a boy from Northern country!

Now It's fall and I feel like I am regressing in my knowledge and skills, because I am no more in school.
I have realized that I love learning and I love perfecting my skills.

Radio is doing awesomely great! I got a music store powered by AMAZON and you can buy the best Music on it! :) and go to section MUSIC STORE and get the best Musak!

If you are starting school this fall or just continuing, remember, be yourself and don't let anyone make you think you're no good... YOU ARE THE BEST you can be! :)

Till next time,

February 28, 2012

European Super Hits Online Radio

Everyone! Starting February 26th European Super hits Online Radio has website and you should come and check it out. You can listen the most popular songs in Europe! Also every Saturday we play TOP 40 which reflects European Super Hits Online Radio listeners' choice. You can vote as well here: or visit

Thank you!

February 8, 2012

Life keeps surprising!

One workmate calls me Mantekilla (Butter in Spanish) because of Butters from South Park. That is not exactly what I wanted to tell you, but this was the first thing that's been kinda cool lately.

I am still working at the HELL DESK (Helpdesk at the college). I had a promising job, but it doesn't seem to work out. Maybe someday I will get a better job. Even better would be a permanent residency, so that I can work wherever.

Last Saturday (February 4th) we finished filming first episode of Wrong Memories (check it out: Facebook - Wrong Memories) and it looks awesome. Now waiting on some people to work faster so that we can continue on with series!

At school everything is usual. Study study study!

I am ready for summer and some warmer weather, even though, we never got the winter. Yes, it's still 40°F = +5°C outside. Not cold, but I want it to be maybe +20°C, I have no idea how much it is in Fahrenheit and I am too lazy to pull up converter. If you really wanna know ask Jared from work, he knows!

Life otherwise is full of sh**. One instance, Zion's bank reported that I had two overdrawn accounts with them worth 497$ total. I haven't had an account with them since August 2010. WTF? Why? I called everyone and talk to couple people who understands law. Apperantly they have sent it to collections and they keep records of accounts only for 6 months. Seriously? So nobody could help. Douche bags! Made me pissed to be sent to collections.

My Tax returns look nice approximately $ 1200, however stupid collections require 500 bucks. so that will end up being 700 for the rest of the bills. Life is all about bills and paying them. Seems, that you live, breathe and eat so that you can spend money. Sounds absurd.

Alright, I must go to my class and learn something new... hopefully interesting.

Hasta la Vista (Vista in latvian means chicken). So Hasta la Chicken.


Here's our trailer!

January 26, 2012

A little slow...

For an international student the U.S. government has put so many restrictions... I can't work full time while I'm taking my last 8 credits of school at the college... I have to get approval for employment off campus and have to make sure it matches with my major... Hm... It's tough and sometimes boring to work 20 hours a week and taking 8 credits of classes. I'm used to something more busy. I can't wait to graduate that way I can do whatever the hell I want for a whole year. Then... Back to the same old unless something changes - I get a green card, get married, find rich sponsor, get an awesome job that pays for my work visa. :)
So many things... I just have to be excellent and have to show myself to world why I am good at and what I can do best.
Anyway, for now I'm excited to work on Wrong Memories our upcoming WebSeries.


January 22, 2012

Wrong Memories Behind The Scenes Footage

Guys! This is awesome! We have got our first Behind The Scenes Footage while filming Episode 1 of Wrong Memories!!! We had so much fun on set! You cannot see me in this footage, but you can definitely hear me! Enjoy!
THANKS! Check out more on our YOUTUBE channel and

Wrong Memories Behind The Scenes Footage

Late night editing... Behind the scenes footage should be done any minute... :) exciting... I will share it ASAP...

January 21, 2012

Wrong Memories Trailer is done!

Today is available the Web-Series "Wrong Memories" trailer online! Check it out here in my blog:

January 19, 2012

This is my friend's photo blog! Go check it out!
Here: Sergey's Photo Blog