September 26, 2011

Death Canyon and stuff

The latest update on Death Canyon is that we have submitted the film for Sundance Film festival. We have to wait till December in order to know 100% whether "Death Canyon" has been selected or not. I am very happy with how it looks. WE NEED Help getting people interested! :)

Other than that, life is alright... School has started again and soo much things to do... I am still excited for more new projects. I really hope that my newest series "Wrong Memories" get enough people interested to start a Web-Series.


Here's Death Canyon trailer. SUBSCRIBE on Youtube:

SOL - Spirit In The Sky (COVER)

At the end of 2009 Zane Pliha and I recorded a cover for Norman Greenbaum's Spirit In The Sky! :) Enjoy! :) Let's see if you like it! :)

September 25, 2011

Zane and I

Hey everyone!
My bestest friend ZANE and I recorded a song that will always remind me of her! :)

I love her and enjoy our song! ;)
