April 28, 2011

My Project


April 19, 2011


It is not that exciting for everybody, but for me these are the bestest news ever!!! It is Spring break. No classes anymore.
Now it is time for me to focus on projects such as Death Canyon and possibly new one Wrong Memories.
Death Canyon is a movie about college students that decided to go to abandoned town in Western Utah to find some gold; however, they found something they never wanted to find.
Wrong memories is a possible TV-show/Web series, depending on how it goes. It is about three siblings who's parents were killed when they were young and now after 15 years it comes to collect the rest of the family.

So basically I have a bunch of stuff to do. I am excited to be exhausted from this and get everything done.

P.S. I am going to NY, Moscow and Latvia this Summer! :) Woot!